Film Screenings
Community Screenings
Used for a one time showing of a film to a larger audience.
The type of screening license depends on the location, size, and style of the screening event.
Any screening event that is open to the public, outside of a family home, requires a screening license. With a screening license you can charge admission, accept donations and advertise your screening.
Evenbrite Screening

With the current pandemic and constantly changing needs of the film industry we began using virtual film hosting platforms for live virtual screening options. We host the film through our Eventbrite, and you have the option of a Video on Demand (VOD) screening or Live Virtual screening. A VOD virtual screening allows your viewers a set number of days to view the film upon registering for the event or a live screening offers a set time for viewers to experience the film together with live chat enabled.
Eventbrite also allows you the opportunity to host live virtual Q&A sessions with filmmakers and your audience on the same page as where the film will play, enabling a more accessible and streamlined experience for your audience. Here your audience will click into an integrated Zoom link where they will appear as well and speak with the filmmaker/moderators in a virtual community setting.
Feel free to reach out to if you have any questions or you can fill out a Screening Request Form Here.