"Seeing so many people committed to bringing Steiner's ideas to life – and doing it so lovingly and gracefully – felt like a wonderful antidote to the crazy times we live in"
– A.P. Oregon, USA
"The worldwide spread of Rudolf Steiner's gifts to humanity were beautifully portrayed"
– J.C. Sussex, England
"I suspect the film will create innumerable ripples and waves for the people who see it – and may even change life directions for some"
– L.G. Bristol, England
"... the film makes you realize the importance and responsibility of being truly human"
– R.E. Bangor, Wales
"... a veritable triumph, and a rich feast of so much depth and inspiration"
– J.R. London
"The film conveys the breadth, scope, geographical reach, contemporary relevance and beauty of Steiner's legacy, and the challenge it offers us"
– Ralph White, New York Open Center, USA